Kitekat dry food provides your cat with exactly what it needs for its daily adventures: a healthy 100% balanced meal made from delicious ingredients packed with essential nutrients and vitamins. So help your cat savour its life.
INGREDIENTS: Salmon (4% )Carrot (4% )Green peas (4% )
ADDITIVES: Grain Vegetable by-products Vegetable protein extracts Vegetables Meat Animal by-products Fish Fish derivatives
Fat content | 9% |
Inorganic substances | 9% |
Protein | 28% |
Mineral substance |
Cat's weigt (kg) | Daily rate (g) |
3 | 50 |
4 | 60 |
5 | 70 |
6 | 80 |
Nutrition advice
High quality Dry cat food Dry food with Tuna &, Vegetables is recommended for every age.
We advise you to observe the daily ration recommended by manufacturer. An increased daily intake can negatively affect the cat's health. Please provide your pet a constant access to fresh water.
The domestic cat needs the balanced food. It has to be the closest to the food that its ancestors had in a native habitat. Such nutrition will provide long, active and happy life to a cat.