Grain-free, complete food for adult dogs who have sensitive digestion. Made with easily-digestible Scottish salmon, parsley, probiotics, prebiotics, charcoal and psyllium to help your dog¿s digestion.A single-animal protein source, complete food for dogs with sensitive digestion and/or wind with:45% salmon; as fish tends to be easier for dogs to digest than meatProbiotics and prebiotics; to aid the balance of the `good bacteria¿ that promote healthy digestionParsley; used since the 4th century bc to aid digestionSweet potato; which is low gi, high in digestion-aiding fibre and a source of b-vitaminsCharcoal; used since the days of ancient egypt, especially in cases of flatulencePsyllium; a fibre source that promotes firm stools.Only Pooch & Mutt foods contain NUTRA-BIONIC.NUTRA-BIONIC is a unique supplement that includes:Glucosamine and chondroitin to aid joint health probiotics and prebiotics to aid digestive healthOmega 3&6, zinc and biotin to aid skin and coatYucca which can help reduce stool odourCranberry to aid urinary tract healthA full vitamin & mineral package and antioxidants.Why feed grain free:Many dogs struggle to digest foods that are high in grains (including corn and wheat). Intolerance to grain can manifest in many ways, such as digestive discomfort, itchy skin and sub-optimal health.
Grain-free, complete food for adult dogs who have sensitive digestion. Made with easily-digestible Scottish salmon, parsley, probiotics, prebiotics, charcoal and psyllium to help your dogs digestion. A single-animal protein source, complete food for dogs with sensitive digestion and/or wind with: Only Pooch & Mutt foods contain NUTRA-BIONIC. NUTRA-BIONIC is a unique supplement that includes: Why feed grain free: Many dogs struggle to digest foods that are high in grains (including corn and wheat). Intolerance to grain can manifest in many ways, such as digestive discomfort, itchy skin and sub-optimal health.Product information
Preparation and Usage
The quantities below are meant as a rough guide. Feeding quanities may vary depending on your dog's breed, physical activity, age and if they are overweight or underweight.
Small dogs (1-10kg) 80-135 g/day
Medium dogs (11-30kg) 135-305 g/day
Large dogs (31-50kg) 305-450 g/day
Giant dogs (51kg +) 450 g/day
When switching dog foods, it is recommended that you introduce the new food gradually, replacing 25% of their existing food for 2-3 days, then 50% for a further 2-3 days, then 75% for a final 2-3 days. See website for puppy feeding guide. Calorie content 3560 kcal/kg.Package Type
Other Information
Health & Digestion is a complete food for dogs.
For best before date see below. Fresh drinking water should be available at all times. Store in a cool, dry place. For canine use only.
Many dogs struggle to digest grains. Intolerance to grains can manifest in many ways, such as digestive discomfort, itchy skin and sub-optimal health
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Typical Values
Analytical constituents:
Crude protein
crude fat
crude fibre
crude ash
Nutritional additives per kg:
Vitamin A (3a672a)
18 000 I.U
vitamin D3 (30671)
1,800 I.U
vitamin E (3a700)
400 mg
L-Carnitine (3a910)
450 mg
vitamin B1 (3a820)
1.2 mg
vitamin B2
1.0 mg
niacinamide (3a315)
15 mg
calcium-D-pantothenate (3a841)
12 mg
vitamin B6 (3a831)
1.0 mg
folic acid (3a316)
0.6 mg
vitamin B12
0.04 mg
biotin (3a880)
0.72 mg
choline chloride (3a890)
720 mg
zinc (3b606)
100 mg
iron (3b106)
93 mg
manganese (3b504)
43 mg
copper (3b406)
17 mg
iodine (3b201)
0.7 mg
selenium (36810)
0.2 mg